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Ahmad, Mobin (2003) Air pollution due to surface activities of an underground metal mine. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 22 (12). pp. 1363-1366. ISSN 0253-7141

Ahmad, Mobin and Chakraborty, M. K. and Tiwary, R.K. and Gupta, Asha (2003) Impact of Mining and other Industries on the Major Rivers with Special Reference to River Damodar. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 23 (11). pp. 1208-1216. ISSN 0253-7141

Banerjee, G. and Chakraborty, M. K. and Sundararajan, M. (2003) An Approach towards the estimation of emission rate from various activities of noamundi iron ore mine - case study. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research , 62 (4). pp. 339-343. ISSN 0022-4456

Banerjee, G. and Ray, A.K. and Singh, G.S.P. and Yadava, K.P. (2003) Hard roof management - a key for high productivity in longwall coal mines. Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, 51 (7&8). pp. 238-244. ISSN 0022-2755

Chaulya, S.K. (2003) Air quality standard exceedance and management in an Indian mining area. Environmental Conservation , 30 (3). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0376-8929

Chaulya, S.K. (2003) Assessment and Management of Air Air Quality in a Mining Area. Environmental Quality Management , 12 (4). pp. 45-59. ISSN 1520-6483

Chaulya, S.K. (2003) Assessment and Management of Water Resources for a Lignite Mine. Mine Water and the Environment, 22. pp. 45-51. ISSN 1616-1068

Chaulya, S.K. (2003) Water Resource Development Study for a Mining Region. Water Resource Management, 17 (4). pp. 297-316. ISSN 0920-4741

Chaulya, S.K. (2003) Water balance study for a lignite mining area. Minetech, 24 (2-3). pp. 3-21. ISSN 0970-7204

Chaulya, S.K. and Ahmad, Mobin and Singh, R.S. and Bandopadhyay, L.K. and Bandopadhyay, C. and Mondal, G.C. (2003) VALIDATION OF TWO AIR QUALITY MODELS FOR INDIAN MINING CONDITIONS. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , 82. pp. 23-43. ISSN 0167-6369

Chouddhury, D.P. and George , Joshy and Thakur, Sanjay Kumar and Sen, Raja and Mishra, K.K. and Gangopadhyay, A.K. and Bandopadhayay, A.K. and Srivastava, S.K. (2003) Application of Instrumental Techniques for Determining the Physico-chemical Properties of Airborne Particulate Matter. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 23 (8). pp. 881-885. ISSN 0253-7141

Choudhury, Nandita and Chaudhuri, S.G. and Chatterjee, C.N. (2003) Microtextural characteristics of coke produced from Indian coals of varyink rank. MGMI Transactions, 99 (1&2). pp. 61-72. ISSN 0371-9538

Choudhury , P.B. and Chakraborty, A.K. and Singh, Satyendra Kumar and Raina, A.K. and Ramulu, M. and Sinha, A. and Haldar, A. and Jethwa, J.L (2003) Application of acoustic emission technique for indirect measurement of vertical insitu stress in rock mass - A lab-scale study. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology , 9 (1). pp. 35-48. ISSN 0971-9059

Ghosh, A.K. (2003) Performance analysis of auxiliary mining machines in large opencast mines by continues dynamic iterative approach. Minetech, 24 (1). pp. 26-36. ISSN 0970-7204

Ghosh, A.K. (2003) Present excavation techniques of dimensional stone need for future development. Indian Mining & Engineering Journal , 42 (6). pp. 14-17. ISSN 0019-5944

Gupta, Asha (2003) Study on the recovery of zinc from Moore cake: a biotechnological approach. Minerals Engineering , 16 (1). pp. 41-43. ISSN 0892-6875

Haldar, A. and Chakraborty, A.K. and Raina, A.K. and Choudhury , P.B. and Ramulu, M. and Bandopadhyay, C. (2003) Human response to ground vibration and air over-pressure due to blasting in opencast non coal mines - a case study. Indian Mining & Engineering Journal , 42 (4-5). pp. 17-28. ISSN 0019-5944

Jaipal , V.S. and Mohalik, N.K. and Singh, V.K. (2003) Information management - the need of modern mining industry. Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, 51 (7&8). pp. 234-237. ISSN 0022-2755

Jhanwar, J.C. and Goel, R. K. and Chakraborty, A.K. and Bandopadhyay, C. (2003) Design of tunnel support and blasting for railway tunnels in basaltic rocks - A case study. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology , 9 (2). pp. 143-154. ISSN 0971-9059

Kalyani, V.K. and Misra, D.D. (2003) Optimisation of coal beneficiation flow sheet through simulation. Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, 51 (1&2). pp. 50-52. ISSN 0022-2755

Kumar, Arvind and Chaulya, S.K. and Bandopadhyay, L.K. (2003) Trapped miners detection, location and communication system. Minetech, 24 (6). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0970-7204

Kumar, Sudhir and Bandopadhyay, L.K. and Kumar, Arvind (2003) Improvised wireless communication system for underground coal mines utilizing active antenna. Minetech, 24 (1). pp. 38-41. ISSN 0970-7204

Kushwaha, A. and Murali, Mohan G. and Singh, Satyendra Kumar and Sheorey, P. R. (2003) Effect of in situ horizontal stresses on roadway stability. Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, 51 (3). pp. 134-142. ISSN 0022-2755

Maity, Sudip and Mukherjee, Joy and Mitra, Swapan and Moitra, Himangshu B. and Singh, Ramasish and Ghosh, Gora (2003) Quantitative estimation of mineral matter in some Indian coals using interactive Rietveld-based full profile X-ray diffraction technique. Current Science, 85 (4). pp. 506-510. ISSN 0011-3891

Mishra, P.K. (2003) Infrared-Raman-regime free-electron laser in the presence of helical wiggler and guide magnetic fields: analysis. Journal of the optical society of america B, 20 (1). pp. 27-36. ISSN 0740-3224

Mohalik, N.K. (2003) Development of a noise model with respect to sound propagation and its application to a mining complex. Noise & Vibration Worldwide , 34 (2). pp. 8-16. ISSN 0957-4565

Nabiullah,, M. and Pingua, B.M.P and jagdish, Dr. (2003) Study on selection of booster in rock blasting. Minetech, 24 (6). pp. 15-18. ISSN 0970-7204

Nabiullah,, M. and jagdish, Dr. and Pingua, B.M.P (2003) Selection of suitable bulk explosives and its performance. Minetech, 24 (1). pp. 50-56. ISSN 0970-7204

Nabiullah,, M. and jagdish, Dr. and Pingua, B.M.P (2003) Study on explosives quality and it's application. Indian Mining & Engineering Journal , 42 (4-5). pp. 34-40. ISSN 0019-5944

Pal Roy, P. (2003) Rock Excavation without explosives - the global scenario. Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, 51 (11-12). pp. 364-369. ISSN 0022-2755

Pal Roy, P. and Sawmliana, C and Bhagat, N.K. (2003) Induced caving by blasting: innovative experiments in blasting gallery panels of underground coal mines of India. transactions of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy Sec. A, Mining Technology, 112. pp. 57-63. ISSN 0371-7844

Pandey, J.K. and Singh, Arvind Kumar and Singh, V.K. (2003) Underground environmental monitoring of goaf for safer extraction of coal below extracted area. Minetech, 24 (5). pp. 40-48. ISSN 0970-7204

Pingua, B.M.P and Nabiullah,, M. and jagdish, Dr. (2003) Studies on explosive behaviour of large diameter explosives in mining application. Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, 51 (7&8). pp. 255-259. ISSN 0022-2755

Prasad, Chandrani C. and Lokhande, Ritesh D. and Ghosh, A.K. (2003) In situ stress measurement techniques - a review. Minetech, 24 (4). pp. 36-47. ISSN 0970-7204

Raina, A.K. and Haldar, A. and Chakraborty, A.K. and Ramulu, M. and Choudhury , P.B. and Sahu, P.B. and Bandopadhyay, C. (2003) Human response to blast vibration and air - overpressure : A case Study. Mining Engineers Journal , 4 (2). pp. 14-23. ISSN 0975-3001

Roy, M.P. and Roy, S.K. and Singh, P.K. (2003) Impact of mining on environment - an appraisal. Indian Mining & Engineering Journal , 42 (11-12). pp. 43-46. ISSN 0019-5944

Roy, T. R. (2003) Characterization of coal mine panels in bord and pillar workings in respect of their proneness to spontaneous heating—a prediction model. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy , 103 (9). pp. 563-572. ISSN 0038-223X

Roy, T. R. (2003) Evaluation of spontaneous fire risk potential of underground coal mine panels. CIM Bulletin, 96 (1073). pp. 63-67. ISSN 0317-0926

Sahay, N. and Ray , S.K. and Ahmad, I. and Varma, N. K. and Singh, R. P. (2003) Improvement in Ventilation in a fire affected Mine. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy , 103. pp. 465-476. ISSN 0038-223X

Samuel, P. (2003) GTL Technology - Challenges and Opportunities in Catalysis. Bulletin of Catalysis Society of India, 2 (5). pp. 82-99.

Sawmliana, C and Pal Roy, P. (2003) Model tests and Field experiments for Fragmentation Assessment during ringhole Blasting in BG Panels. Fragblast, 7 (4). pp. 257-268. ISSN 0704-257

Sen, Kalyan and Das, N.S. and Choudhury, Ashim and Choudhury, Nandita and Mitra, S.K. and Chakrabory, D.K. and Dutta, R.K. and Mitra, A (2003) Quality reassessment and evaluation of utilisation potential for Indian Coals of Gondwana formation. Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, 51 (1&2). pp. 5-14. ISSN 0022-2755

Singh, A.K. and Mendhe, V.A. (2003) Laboratory study of channel gasification with steam-air blast in sub-bituminous coal from pindra raniganj coalfield. Minetech, 24 (6). pp. 37-49. ISSN 0970-7204

Singh, K.K.K. (2003) Ground penetrating radar study for hydrogeological conditions related with mining activity. Environmental Geology, 44 (1). pp. 20-27. ISSN 0943-0105

Singh, P.K. and Roy, M.P. (2003) Ground Vibration from Blasting vis-a-vis Prediction and control Measures. Mining Engineers Journal , 5 (5). pp. 7-14. ISSN 0975-3001

Singh, P.K. and Roy, S.K. and Sinha, A. (2003) A new blast damage index for the safety of underground coal mine openings. transactions of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy Sec. A, Mining Technology, 112. pp. 97-104. ISSN 0371-7844

Singh, P.K. and Singh, T.N. (2003) Response of roof and pillar of underground workings to vibration from opencast blasting - a case study. Mining Engineers Journal , 4 (8). pp. 22-27.

Singh, R.S. (2003) Nutrient reclamation of mined out areas in India. Land Contamination & Reclamation, 11 (3). pp. 362-366. ISSN 0967-0513

Singh, R.S. and Singh, Shailendra Kumar (2003) Information technology in sustainable development of mining industry. Minetech, 24 (5). pp. 26-30. ISSN 0970-7204

Singh, R.V.K. and Mohalik, N.K. and Sural, G. and Pandey, J. and Singh, V.K. (2003) Applications of preventive & control measures from occurrences of spontaneous heating in blasting gallery panel of GDK No. 10 incline coal mine, ramagundam. Minetech, 24 (2-3). pp. 23-30. ISSN 0970-7204

Singh, Satyendra Kumar and Kushwaha, A. and Singh, Raghwendra and John, Loui P. and Bhattacharjee, Rana (2003) Propositions of coal extraction below important surface or sub-surface properties with no subsidence damage - recent safety approach. Minetech, 24 (5). pp. 67-78. ISSN 0970-7204

Soni, A.K. (2003) Mining and Environment Regulartory Framework - The Search for Credible Measures. Mining Engineers Journal , 4 (11). pp. 8-11. ISSN 0975-3001

Soni, A.K. and Loveson, V.J. (2003) Land Damage Assessment - A Case Study. Journal of the Indian society of Remote Sensing, 31 (3). pp. 175-186. ISSN 0255-660X

Srivastava, Rajesh Chandra and Sinha, Jagadish and Srivastava, S.K. and Tripathi, Satish Chandra (2003) Nickel catalysed steam gasification of chars obtained from coal - alkali reaction at 600ºC. Fuel, 82 (1). pp. 93-96. ISSN 0016-2361

Tiwary, R.K. (2003) Genesis of pyrites in coal and their relation with acid drainage from mine. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), 83. pp. 47-54. ISSN 0257-442X

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