Number of items: 87.
Agarwalla, Hridesh and Das, Tarit Baran and Senapati, Rabinarayan and Gangopadhyay, Monalisa and Masto, Reginald E. and Kumar, Manish and Singh, Vikram
Mercury in coal from south eastern coalfeld and mercury partitioning at sub‑critical coal‑fred power plant.
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management .
Behera, S.K. and Singh, Prashant and Mishra, K. and Mandal, S. K. and Mishra, A.K.
Required strength design of cemented backfill for underground metalliferous mine.
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 37 (10).
pp. 927-952.
ISSN 1748-0930
Behera, Santosh Kumar and Singh, Prashant and Mishra, Kanhaiya and Mandal, Phanil Kumar and Mandal, Sujit Kumar and Mishra, Arvind Kumar
Tensile strength of cemented paste backfill for lead–zinc mill tailings: lab and in situ scenarios.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 16 (8).
ISSN 1866-7511
Bharti, Abhay Kumar and Singh, Satyendra K. and Pal, Sanjit Kumar and Singh, Krishna Kant Kumar and Prakash, Amar and Bhattacharjee, Rana and Kumar, Lalan
Electrical resistivity tomography technique coupled withnumerical modelling: A case study for stability analysis.
Geophysical Prospecting .
pp. 1-17.
Chakraborty, Prasenjeet and Singh , Siddharth and Hazra, Bodhisatwa
Soil pollution in Indian coal mines, available remediation techniques and rock dust application: A review.
Journal of Earth System Science, 132 (147).
p. 9297.
ISSN 0253-4126
Chauhan, Vishal and Chavan, Prakash D. and Singh, Rupesh K. and Saha, Sujan and Datta, Sudipta and Dhaigude, Nilesh D. and Sahu, Gajanan and Saw, Shiva K
Estimating the requirements of pressure drop during fluidization-bubbling regimes in fluidized bed with different conical distributors.
Particulate Science and Technology .
Das, Arka Jyoti and Mandal, Prabhat Kumar and Ghosh, Nilabjendu and Singh, Awanindra Pratap and Kumar, Ranjan and Tewari, Subhashish and Bhattacharjee, Rana
Evaluation of energy accumulation, strain burst potential and stability of rock mass during underground extraction of a highly stressed coal seam under massive strata-a field study.
Engineering Geology, 322.
Ghosh, Nilabjendu
Machine learning approach for the prediction of mining-induced stress in underground mines to mitigate ground control disasters and accidents.
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 9 (159).
Giri, Soma and Bharat, Abhishek Pandey and Singh, Abhay Kumar
Metal contamination of groundwater in the mica mining
areas of Jharkhand: Assessing seasonal variation, sources and human health risk.
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry , 103 (19).
pp. 8281-8294.
Gopinathan, P.
Environmental impact and health risk assessment due to coal mining and utilization.
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45.
pp. 6915-6922.
ISSN 0269-4042
Gopinathan, P.
Exploring the potential of sulphur forms in Northeastern Indian coals: Implications in environmental remediation and heavy metal sensing.
Chemosphere, 338.
Gopinathan, P. and Maity, Sudip and Saha, Sujan
Characterization of lignite deposits of Barmer Basin, Rajasthan: insights from mineralogical and elemental analysis.
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45.
ISSN 0269-4042
Gopinathan , P.
Human Health Risks due to Exposure to Water Pollution: A Review.
Water, 15 (14).
Gupta, Pavan K. and Maity, Sudip and Datta, Sudipta
Comparative Studies of Co/SBA-15 Catalysts Synthesized with Different Silica Sources Including Coal Fly Ash for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.
ChemistrySelect , 8 (11).
Hazra, Bodhisatwa and Singh , Ashok K Singh and Sethi, Chinmay and Wood , David A
Experimental protocols to determine reliable organic geochemistry and geomechanical screening criteria for shales.
Journal of Earth System Science .
Hazra, Bodhisatwa and Lahiri, Sivaji and Sethi, Chinmay and Pandey, Jai Krishna
Pore Evolution during Combustion of Distinct Thermally Mature Shales: Insights into Potential In Situ Conversion.
Energy Fuels, 37 (18).
pp. 13898-18911.
ISSN 0253-4126
Hazra, Bodhisatwa and Mishra, Preity and Chaulya, Swades Kumar and Prasad, Girendra Mohan
Systematic Pore Characterization of Sub-Bituminous Coal from Sohagpur Coalfield, Central India Using Gas Adsorption Coupled with X-ray Scattering and High-Resolution Imaging.
Energy Fuels, 37 (13).
pp. 9297-9308.
Hazra,, Bodhisatwa
Nature and hydrocarbon potential of organic matter in offshore Mahanadi Basin, east coast of India.
Journal of Earth System Science , 132.
Himanshu, Vivek Kumar and Mishra, A. K and Roy, M. P. and Shankar, Ravi and Priyadarshi, Vivek and Vishwakarma, A. K.
Influence of Joint Orientation and Spacing on Induced Rock Mass Damage due to Blasting in Limestone Mines.
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 40.
pp. 2349-2359.
Himanshu,, V.K and Vishwakarma, A.K. and Yadav, R.S and Roy, M.P.
Comparative study of environmental and safety hazards generated from rock blasting, machinery operation and transportation.
Mining Engineers Journal, 24 (12).
pp. 21-25.
Kaushik, , A.P and Himanshu, , V.K. and Gupta,, S.D and Pradhan,, G.K
Prospects and Constraints of Longwall Mining at ShallowDepth of Cover – A Case Study.
The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal. , 62 (6-7).
pp. 6-17.
Kumar, Ashok and Singh, Arun Kumar
Mechanical behaviors of deep pillar sandwiched between strong and weak layers.
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15 (5).
pp. 1111-1126.
ISSN 1674-7755
Kumar, Gaurav and Kumar, Ranjan and Mandal, Prabhat Kumar and Das, Arka Jyoti
Evaluation of a novel pyramidal design of rock bolt bearing plate using analytical, experimental, and numerical methods.
Engineering Structures, 297.
Kumar, Jagdish
Advancements in PET Packaging: Driving Sustainable Solutions for Today’s Consumer Demands.
Sustainability, 15 (16).
Kumar, Ranjan and Mandal, Prabhat Kumar and Ghosh, Nilabjendu and Das, Arka Jyoti and Banerjee, Gautam
Design of Stable Parallelepiped Coal Pillars Considering Geotechnical Uncertainties.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering , 56 (9).
pp. 6591-6602.
ISSN 0723-2632
Kumar, Ritesh and Sharma, Sadanand
Characterization of Coal Combustion
Residues Using Transmission Electron
Microscopy Technique.
Chemical Science International Journal, 32 (2).
pp. 1-6.
ISSN 2456-706X
Manda, Tuhin and Mishra , Shiv Rag and Singh ·, Kartikey and Agarwalla, Hridesh and Masto, Reginald Ebhin and Kumar , Manish and Singh, Vikram
Fluorescent carbon nanomaterials from coal and its
derivatives: structure, properties, and applications.
J Nanopart Res.
Mandal, Tuhin and Ghosh, Ashish Kumar and Mishra, Shiv Rag and Singh, Vikram
Development of fluorescent carbon nanoparticles from Madhuca longifolia flower for the sensitive and selective detection of Cr6+: a collective experimental–computational approach.
Nanoscale Advances.
Mandal, Tuhin and Mishra, Shiv Rag and Singh, Vikram
Comprehensive advances in the synthesis, fluorescence mechanism and multifunctional applications of red-emitting carbon nanomaterials.
Nanoscale Advances .
Masto, R. Ebhin and Maurya, Pankaj and Agarwalla, Hridesh and Frouz, Jan and Bari, Siddharth
Mine soil properties as influenced by tree species and topography of the re-vegetated coal mine overburden dump.
Catena, 233.
ISSN 0341-8162
Mishra, Arvind Kumar
High-Speed Motion Analysis-Based Machine Learning Models for Prediction and Simulation of Flyrock in Surface Mines.
Applied Sciences, 13 (17).
Mishra, Vivek Kumar and Mendhe, Vinod Atmaram and Pandey, Shashanka and Shukla, Priyanka
Significance of organo-mineralogical constituents on pore distribution, fractals and gas sorption mechanism of Permian shale beds in Korba sub-basin of the Son-Mahanadi Valley, India.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering Part A, 231.
Mishra , Arvind Kumar
An Assessment on Quality of Life and Happiness Indices of Project Affected People in Indian Coalfields.
Sustainability , 15 (12).
Mohanty, Debadutta
Negative δ13Ccarb excursions within early part of the Lomagundi event recorded in the Paleoproterozoic sedimentary carbonates, Aravalli Supergroup, Rajasthan India: Chemostratigraphy and basin evolution.
Precambrian Research.
pp. 1-23.
Mohanty, Debadutta
Organic Petrological Facets and the Evolution of Paleomire, Matasukh Lignite Deposits, Rajasthan, India.
Journal of the Geological Society of India, 99.
pp. 1372-1378.
Mohanty, Debadutta
Development of Empirical and Artificial Neural Network Model for the Prediction of Sorption Time to Assess the Potential of CO2 Sequestration in Coal.
ACS Omega .
pp. 1-23.
Mohanty, Debadutta
Phosphorous concentration in iron-rich rocks of the Chilpi Group, Bastar Craton, India: implications on late Palaeoproterozoic seawater palaeo-productivity.
Geological Magazine ,, 160 (9).
pp. 1372-1378.
Nath, Som and Singh,, Ashok K. and Kundu, Jagadish and Verma,, H. K. and Dwivedi, R. D. and Rai, N.
Correlating Textural Parameters with Joint Roughness for Himalayan Schist and Gneissic rocks.
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology, 29 (1).
pp. 49-66.
ISSN 0253-4126
Neogi, Babita and Singh, Abhay Kumar
Groundwater geochemistry and risk assessment to human health in North Karanpura Coalfield, India.
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 20 (20).
p. 8281.
ISSN 0306-7319
Pandey, Bhanu
Unravelling the ozone toxicity in Zea mays L.(C4 plant) under the elevated level of CO2 fertilization.
Tropical Ecology, 64.
pp. 739-755.
Pandey, Bhanu and Ghosh, Annesha
Urban ecosystem services and climate change: a dynamic interplay.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 5.
Paul, Avinash and Prakash,, Amar and Singh, Ajoy Kumar and Porathur , John Loui
Modelling of Fragile Coal Mine Roof and Estimation of Rock Loads—Some Empirical and Numerical Methods.
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration.
Prakash, Amar and Bharti, Abhay Kumar and Paul , Avinash
Multiphase assessment of post-mining effect on railway structures: A case study of Jharia Coalfield.
Journal of Earth System Science .
RAM, Lal Chand
A characteristic-based decision tree approach for sustainable energy applications of biomass residues from two major classes.
Fuel, 339.
ISSN 0016-2361
Raina, A. K.
Decoding rate of penetration of tunnel boring machine in Deccan Traps under varied geological and machine variables using response surface analysis.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 82 (3).
ISSN 1435-9529
Raina, Avtar K.
Emerging Energy Resources in India.
Journal of the Geological Society of India , 99 (3).
p. 440.
ISSN 0016-7622
Ram, Lal Chand
Bio-coke: A sustainable solution to Indian metallurgical coal crisis.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 171.
pp. 1-15.
Ram, Lal Chand
Feedstock and pyrolysis conditions affect suitability of biochar for various sustainable energy and environmental applications.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 170.
Rathore, Sudarshan Singh
Elucidation of furanone as ergosterol pathway inhibitor in Cryptococcus neoformans.
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics .
Sahu, Gajanan and Chauhan, Vishal and Saha, Sujan and Datta, Sudipta and Sahu, Arti and Chavan, Prakash Dhondhiram and Singh, Rupesh Kumar
A Review of Factors Affecting Gasifier Performance.
ChemBioEng Reviews , 10 (5).
pp. 779-800.
Santosh, M. S. and Dileepkumar, V. G. and Gopinathan, P. and Kumar, M.
Natural sub‑bituminous coal as fller enhances
mechanical, insulation and fame retardant properties
of coir–polypropylene bio‑composites.
Environ Geochem Health.
Santosh, M.S.
Advances in polymer-based nanocomposite membranes for water
remediation: Preparation methods, critical issues and mechanisms.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11.
Santosh, M.S.
Nanofiltration membranes composed of carbonized giant cane and Pongamia meal binder for ion sieving in water and molecular sieving in organic solvents.
Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 35.
Santosh, M.S. and Dileep Kumar, V.G.
Dopant-induced photodegradation of organic water pollutants using cobalt oxide nanostructures of low cytotoxicity.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (2).
Santosh, M.S. and Dileep Kumar , V.G. and Kumari, Sandhyawasini and Khan, Afaq Ahmad and Balaji, K.R
Singlet oxygen driven enhanced photocatalytic degradation of 1,3,7-tri�methylpurine-2,6-dione using surfactant mediated PVA-CuO nanocomposites: Combining physical adsorption and photocatalysis.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 462.
Santosh, M.S.
3D-Printed Nanoscale-Thick Silver Thin Films for Electrochemical Sensing.
ACS Applied Nano Material , 6 (5).
pp. 3303-3311.
Santosh, M.S.
Emerging electrochemical additive
manufacturing technology for advanced
materials: Structures and applications.
Materials Today, 70.
Santosh, M.S.
Numerical investigation on structural stability and explicit performance of high-pressure hydrogen storage cylinders.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48 (14).
pp. 5565-5575.
Santosh, M.S.
Symmetric supercapacitors based on copper–antimony chalcogenides: A trade-off between S and Se.
Ceramics International, 49 (2).
pp. 1756-1763.
Santosh, M.S. and Khan, Afaq Ahmad and Khan, Afaq Ahmad
Hydrothermally synthesized cobalt vanadate nanoparticles for
photocatalytic degradation of Fast Orange Red dye and
supercapacitor applications.
Materials Science & Engineering B, 298.
Santosh , M.S.
Porous potassium tantalate-reduced graphene oxide nano cube architecture for high performance hybrid supercapacitors.
e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy. , 4.
Santosh , Santosh M S and Balaji , K R and Gopinathan , P and Kumar, Manish
Non-Coking coal as an additive to enhance properties of
groundnut shell reinforced polypropylene composites.
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials.
pp. 1-15.
Saw, Shiva Kumar and Datta,, Sudipta and Chavan, P.D and Gupta, Pavan K. and Kumar, Shweta and Sahu, Gajanan and Chauhan, Vishal
Significance and influence of various promoters on Cu-based catalyst for synthesizing methanol from syngas: A critical review.
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
Sethi, Chinmay and Hazra, Bodhisatwa and Singh, Ashok K. and Kumar, Santosh
Using optical-electron correlative microscopy for shales of contrasting thermal maturity.
International Journal of Coal Geology , 274 (104477).
pp. 3833-3847.
ISSN 0253-4126
Sharma, Sadanand
Biosorption study of basic dye using aerial part of widely growing weed Chenopodium album.
Desalination and Water Treatment, 314.
pp. 276-285.
Singh, Abhay Kumar and Giri, Soma and Mahato, Mukesh Kumar
Major ion chemistry and hydrochemical processes controlling water composition of Teesta River catchment, Sikkim Himalaya, India.
p. 8281.
ISSN 0306-7319
Singh, Anand and Roy, Sanjay Kumar
Effect of Temperature on physic-mechanical properties of Chunar sandstone, Mirzapur, U.P., India.
Journal of Mining Science , 59 (1).
pp. 53-62.
ISSN 1062-7391
Singh, Kshitindra Kumar and Tiwary, R. K.
Hydrogeochemical characteristics and multivariate statistical approach for monitoring groundwater quality scenario in the vicinity of industrial area of western Himalaya, India.
Chemistry and Ecology, 39 (6-7).
pp. 611-639.
Singh, Neelratan
The Longleaf Tree-Ring Network: Reviewing and expanding the utility of Pinus palustris Mill. Dendrochronological data.
Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 47 (4).
Singh , Siddharth
Trace element contamination in soils surrounding the open-cast coal mines of eastern Raniganj basin, India.
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45.
pp. 7275-7302.
ISSN 0269-4042
Singh,, Shailendra Kr and Singh , R. K.
An overview on remediation technologies for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated lands: a critical approach.
Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Singh,, Abhay Kumar
Hydro chemical investigation of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigational purposes from industrial belt of Jharkhand, India.
Environmental Quality Management..
Singh,, Rupesh Kumar and Dhaigude, Nilesh D. and Sahu, Arti and Chauhan, Vishal and Sahu, Gajanan and Saha, Sujan and Chavan, Prakash D.
Significance of temperature and pressure on minimum fluidization velocity in a fluidized bed reactor: An experimental analysis.
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 45 (1).
pp. 1793-1806.
ISSN 1556-7036
Sinhamahapatra, Apurba
Review of the progress of solar-driven interfacial water evaporation (SIWE) toward a practical approach.
Energy Advances,, 2 (5).
pp. 574-605.
Sinhamahapatra, Apurba
Environmental and economic benefits of
single-atom catalysts in energy conversion and storage.
Oxford Open Energy, 2.
Sinhamahapatra, Apurba
Facile Synthesis of Crystalline Molybdenum Carbide (Mo2C) Nanoparticles Coupled with a N-Doped Porous Carbon Sheet: A Synergistic Effect on the Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction.
Energy & Fuels, 37 (24).
pp. 19801-19811.
Sinhamahapatra , Apurba
Assessing the non-wettability and sustainability of
cellulosic jute for roadway applications.
Cellulose, 30.
pp. 7839-7852.
Tiwary, R.K.
Effect of poly-aniline coated iron ore mining waste (PANI@IOMW) as efficient adsorbent on mitigation of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution: Experimental and statistical investigation.
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 190.
pp. 434-450.
Topno, S. A. and Sahoo, L. K.
Internal and cross sectional benchmarking of electrical energy use in opencast coal mine.
Mining Science and Technology, 8 (3).
pp. 232-244.
Ujala, Priyanka Kumari and Singh, K.M. P.
Distribution of Element oxides or minerals depending on the high to low density/gravity of some selected coal.
Journal of Advance & Applied Research , 4 (16).
pp. 140-155.
Ujala, Priyanka Kumari and Singh, K.M.P. and Masto, Ebhin and Gouricharan, T.
Multi-elemental analysis of Indian coals and its gravity fraction based on ICP-OES.
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 43 (11).
ISSN 1939-2699
Verma, Aniket and Prakash, Amar and Kumar, Ajay and Oraon, Sandip and Mandal, Sujit Kumar
Precise mosaicing of mouza plans for the preparation of digital cadastral map using GNSS.
Current Science, 124 (4).
p. 467.
ISSN 0011-3891
Verma, Chandrani Prasad
Numerical simulation study on stability analysis of crown pillar—a case study.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 16 (12).
ISSN 1866-7511
Verma, Harsh Kr.
Characterisation of Excavation Damage Zones around an underground Opening.
Civil Engineering & construction Review , 36 (1).
pp. 28-35.
Verma , Chandrani P.
Study on Critical Factors Influencing Crown Pillar’s Stability through Numerical Simulation.
International Journal of Geology and Earth Sciences , 9 (2).
pp. 21-27.
Vishwakarma, Ashish Kumar and Himanshu, Vivek Kumar and Prakash , Amar
Investigations on the Influence of Applied Thrust on Rock Penetration Rate by a Raise Boring Machine Using Numerical Simulation and Experimental Trials.
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 40.
pp. 1187-1197.
Warkhade, Swapnil K.
Enhanced corrosion protection of Cu & Al in Saline media using a new PEDOT based waterborne polyurethane coating.
Results in Surfaces and Interfaces, 12.
This list was generated on Thu Mar 6 18:27:42 2025 IST.